Fasting From Judgment

Can you do a fast from judgment?

Yes, can you give it up?

I went to a talk Sunday at Unity Church and Rev. Rose talked about what people give up for Lent. She asked if, rather than giving up sweets or coffee or whatever, if you’d consider giving up negativity.

That really was intriguing for me. Though I have never given anything up for Lent since I was not Catholic, the idea of fasting from things that you would truly like to remove from your life was unique for me.

What if I could give up negativity and judgment for 40 days. Or 20 days or even for 5 days or 1 day? What would that create in my life?

What could it create in your life?

And when I say to give up judgment, I don’t mean that if you catch yourself judging that then you JUDGE yourself as wrong and bad and give up. If, well probably, WHEN, that happens, simply acknowledge it, release the original judgment and then release the judgment OF the judgment! WHEW!!

Then dust yourself off and continue on with the “fasting”.

We so often get caught up in making ourselves wrong because we “failed” that we just give up and fall into even more judgment and more making ourselves wrong until we get lost in it.


Let me repeat that, YOU ARE NOT WRONG.

When you have the intention of improving yourself and the intention of loving yourself AND you move forward with that … you are giving yourself such a gift! The less you can judge you and the more you can love you, the better your life gets and the more joy you experience!

How amazing is that?

Just keep moving forward!

Just keep loving YOU!

And when you waver, all is not lost! Simply let it go and again, keep moving forward!

Enjoy your Judgment Fasting!