Whose Life Are You Living?

You are living life for you, right? Maybe, maybe not.

Are you truly living the life you desire? Or are you trying to fulfil the desires, dreams and perhaps even demands of others?

Perhaps you find yourself spending lots of time and energy “fixing” others, make their lives better by making it into what you believe it should be.

How is that working out for you?

Do people truly desire you to fix them?

Are you always in search of a new “fixer upper” project so you can concentrate on fixing that person?

Do you believe that you have no other purpose if you are not fixing someone?

Look at what you are trying to fix in others. Is it mostly the same one or two things / qualities in everyone? Sometimes, what you desire most for them is what you believe needs fixing in you.

Or you may be throwing yourself into fixing others to avoid what needs to be done in your own life.

After all, that fixing requires a lot of your time so you don’t have time or energy to work on your life. I know that was a slap in the face for me when I finally came to that realization.

So, what if you began releasing the need to fix others and really concentrated on your own journey?

What would that actually create in your life?

Are you ready for that?

Will you choose it?

Now is a great time!

There is no greater challenge and no greater reward than to live your own life for you! To create the life you would like to have.

Live your life for you!

Looking for more questions that can change the way you look at life? Get my ebook “Questions to Change Your Life” by clicking here