Everything is Energy

This is an excerpt from an interview that I did with Tamara Patzer in 2017 for Women Innovators.  You can listen to the entire interview by clicking here.

Tamara Patzer: We live in a world where everything is energy, including the corporate world. I know that more and more corporations are starting to really embrace, for example, mindfulness. They understand that stress is harming their workforce. What do you think are some of the most common misconceptions related to what you do for people?

Dawn C. Meyer: A lot of people when I said, “Do you feel stuck?” They’ll say, “No.” Who wants to admit it, right? Or they’ll say, “I have no limitations. I don’t have anything to work on.”

So, I’ll say, “Well, but do you really want your life to continue to be exactly as it now?” And they’ll say, “No.” I say, “Well, then there is something that we can start working on to start making the changes in your life.”

They’ll also ask, “What does the energy have to do with it?” I’ll say, “Well, you don’t really have to understand it. I mean you don’t understand exactly how your car works. You just know you get in and you turn the ignition and it starts, but do you understand all the processes? No.” It’s the same kind of thing. You turn the key and things start to change. Well, you change that energy in that one area of your life and the rest of your life starts to change.

The cool thing is that the other people around you start changing too because your energy is creating those ripples out. As you change your energy, you help other people change theirs too. Your whole family can change.

I have people who are in the corporate world and a lot of what they’re looking for is to just not have so much stress anymore. This can really help you to start letting go of that. So much of what people do is that they take on that stuff for everybody and like I said, they try to be the person who fixes everything. They really let that accumulate in them instead of being able to let it go. That’s another thing that I help people do is to let go of all of that stuff that they’re taking on for everybody else and all that stress that they are assuming is theirs and all of those things that just keep piling up on them. I help them to realize it’s not theirs and to let it go.

I have people that come in to do that kind of work. I have people who are creating their businesses and they have these blocks against all sorts of different things like maybe that they don’t want to make the phone calls. They don’t want to go to meetings. They don’t want to do this. They don’t want to do that. They’re tired of this. It’s helping them to get through some of that. I help them realize that there are different options and start having them ask questions, because like you said, that’s what I did when I was working with you. I start asking questions and the questions start opening up the doors. That’s what questions do; they allow you to see so you don’t have those blinders on. You don’t just have one or two options. If you start asking questions, that can start to open up and you see that, “Oh, I really have a dozen options here. I’m used to only considering one or two.”

Also for people to realize that just because they make a choice today, you don’t have to keep making that choice tomorrow, too. You start evaluating those choices and realizing that it may not be working. Maybe I need to make a different choice. Asking, “What choices can I make now?” And, letting those other doors show up. That can be really huge (in business or in your personal life), to start realizing that you don’t have to be stuck with one thing forever. You can let it go and pick something different.

Tamara Patzer: Is there anything else you would like to say before I ask you where we can find out more information?

Dawn C. Meyer: I urge you to give yourself the gift of starting to create the life you’d like to have. Give yourself that gift any time because then you can start unburdening yourself and letting yourself let go of all this stuff you’re hanging onto and start experiencing that joy. It is such an incredible gift. It can change everything in your life and in the lives of everybody that you are with and that you meet and you work with, your family. It’s just so incredible. I urge everybody to do that. What better time to get started than now?


You can listen to the entire interview at https://youtu.be/YCgU244J0Yo


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