I Don’t Get You

How much of you are you cutting off because you think people won’t get you?

How many things that you love or that you would like to explore do you shut down or never try simply because you think people will judge you for it or because they tell you it is too weird?

There was a period of time, or rather several periods in my life, during which I stopped pursuing metaphysical / spiritual explorations because people were making fun of me because of it, or because they told me it was evil or whatever. I considered their opinions to be more important and valuable than my own. I gave them my power.

Have you ever done that? Have you ever simply stepped back from something that you enjoy or something that you would love to experience or explore in favor of someone else’s version of how you should live your life?

How did that work out for you? What did it create?

Did it really make those people stop judging you? Did it actually get them to accept you and support you in other pursuits?

Or did it really make you even more unhappy and fenced in? Was it yet one more place where you gave them permission to control you so they just kept doing it even more?

As the poet and spiritual master Rumi said, “Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.”

Be unafraid of what others think of your passion, of your calling.

Dive in if that is what you are called to do.

It matters not that people don’t “get” or understand what you do and say. Perhaps someday they will catch up to you and where you have gone and say, ”WOW!” or not. Either way, you will have followed the dream that called you and gone where the journey took you.

You will have those experiences and lessons as part of your life, whatever they are. And even if they didn’t work out exactly as you’d hoped, at least you can say that you followed where your heart led and learned what was there waiting for you to learn and let go what was asked for you to let go.

Later in life, you will not lament that you never tried it. You won’t say that you wish you had done it, because YOU DID IT!

As Oprah Winfrey said, “Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire.”

Get up on the high wire and live your dreams!


Now is the time for you to journey to personal freedom. You can begin with my program “Launch Into Freedom”, a 21-day voyage into reclaiming your life and stepping into your potential. It is available in the store at  https://iampurpledawn.com/store/Launch-Into-Freedom-Program-p104948687