Being In-Tune With Your Desires

Are you energetically in-tune (congruent and compatible) with achieving your dreams and desires?

When you are energetically compatible, in-tune and congruent with having something, then you can connect with that thing and start asking the universe “What do I need to be and do in order to have this show up in my life?”

Being energetically in-tune with what you desire helps draw it to you. Conversely, when you are not in-tune with something, then it pushes it away from you instead.

How do you become in-tune?

Stop Impossible

If you have decided that it is impossible for you to have something, then you are not compatible with it and you can’t have it. You stop drawing it in and instead you actually repel it. It’s kind of like when you put oil on a surface, that surface now repels water.

Ask yourself if you actually believe that it is possible to have what you are desiring. If you don’t believe that it is possible, then you are not compatible with having it and it will not show up for you. As long as you think you can’t have it, the universe will create “can’t have it” for you.

Be That Vibration

When you desire to bring something into your life, you have to be what it takes to bring that thing into your life and have a willingness to actually have it.

You must be willing to be in-tune which means having the acoustical vibration of what creates and generates the things you desire in your life. You need to make yourself vibrationally compatible with what you desire.

It may sound complicated and confusing, however, all you really have to do is start asking questions like: What’s it going to take for me to be in-tune, acoustically and vibrationally compatible with _________? (fill in the blank with what you desire)

Asking questions opens up the doors to the choices and possibilities that can bring what you desire into your life.

Once you start asking questions, everything can show up for you if you are willing to allow it. But you have to be willing to allow it to show up for you, or it can’t. It’s not that it won’t. It can’t, because you are not willing to allow yourself to be the vibration that would be in-tune and compatible with it. Again, when you are in-tune, you attract it, when you are not in-tune, you repel it.


Once you ask questions, then you have to listen. Listen for the whispers of possibilities and choices available to you, of the paths that lead to your desires.

And then follow those whispers, choose those paths.

You are in-tune now! You are the compatible energy now! You attract!!

Time to attract that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!


Looking for other ways to claim your desires and to reclaim your life for you? Check out my webinar “Living Your Life For You” on Teach Me Tuesdays