Undefining Your Life

How many definitions do you have limiting your life?

When you define something, when you give it a definition, you have made it

  • Fixed
  • Exact
  • Having fixed limits
  • Bounded
  • Not readily movable
  • Firmly implanted
  • Stationary
  • Rigid
  • Stable
  • Permanent

Basically, you have anchored it in its current state.

Look at those words. How easy do you think it is to change that thing now? Probably not very easy. Once you define it as reality, it BECOMES your reality! Now you are stuck with it as you have defined it. Is that what you really want? Wouldn’t it be better to allow it to change and evolve?


Definition Library

You define all sorts of things like what a relationship should look like, what money is, how people are doing to treat you, what you are in the world, and so much more.

Where do you get all those definitions?

You get them from everywhere: from your parents, friends, family, religion, teachers, media, movies, books, culture, society, etc.

Then you take those definitions and add them to your library of definitions and implement them in your life to create a whole litany of limitations that you believe ARE your life.

You live your Life of Limitations because once you define it, it becomes your reality.

Once it is your reality, then you feel that it is a validation of the limitation you thought you had. Now you can exclaim “See, I knew I was right, this is reality!”

Guess what, it’s just the reality as you defined it.

That’s the “bad news.”

So what’s the “good news”?

You defined it so you can change it

Time for Change

How do you change it?

You look at the ways you are defining areas of your life such as what a relationship should be or how you should be. Then ask questions like:

  • What limitation is this creating for me?
  • How can I change it?
  • What can I do differently here that would create more choices and possibilities?
  • What choices and possibilities exist that I have never considered?

And the most important part is …. to be willing to change and let go. Let go of those definitions. Once you release them, you can start making changes. You can allow your life to shift and change and grow!

What would you like your life to be?

You have a choice.

Undefine and let’s go!!



Looking for more ways to start being the true you? Check out my Weekly Clearing Statements to help you explore what possibilities you actually have in your life.