Past Your Limit

Are you clinging to your past? Is it vitally important to you to keep your past alive and relive it and lament over it and praise it and curse it and …. and use it to build your future?

Say what?

Do you catch yourself saying things like “that was the best time of my life” or “it doesn’t get better than that”?

Then you’re limiting yourself to your past. You’re saying things will never be better than your past. Is that what you would really like?

Building The Box

When you cling so tightly to your past, you end up using it as the blueprint for your future. That means you don’t really get anything new, you only get variations of your past … and nothing more. Is that all you truly desire to create?

You build this box called your life, based upon your past. It is the perfect version of your past. You keep polishing it and painting it and decorating it with your past “glories” until the sides of the box are so talk that you can’t see out and can’t all those infinite possibilities that exist beyond what you believe your life can be.

Once you think that this is all you can ever have, you stop looking for new possibilities. You stop creating more and different things in your life because you believe you can’t have it.

Is that right? Is it wrong?


However it is your limit. You have set your upper limit to be your past and you believe you can’t go beyond it.

Upper Limit

Now that you have this upper limit, it dictates your life. It’s that ceiling you can’t go beyond. Everything in your life MUST of necessity be LESS than your limit.

You must be less, your life must be less, your achievements must be less, everything must be less.

You are trapped there under that limit.

Are you uncomfortable enough under your limit to desire to break free?

Breaking Free

Are you willing to let your past die so you can open to a new future?

Are you willing to break through your upper limit into the possibilities that lie beyond?

Are you willing to let go of your past so you can stop using it to create your future?

How much more can you create once you stop using the past as the pattern for your future?

Start asking questions!

What possibilities do I have here that I have not considered?

What limits have I created that I can release now?

What possibilities for a new and different future do I have that I never not believed exist?

The sky’s the limit … well actually there is no limit beyond that which you create!

Launch into your possibilities!


Would you like to recognize and clear beliefs that are not working for you? Check out “Are You Living A Myth?” by clicking here.