It’s Just Impossible

“That’s impossible!”

How many times have you said that?

And then what happened? You probably gave up on what you were doing because you convinced yourself that it was not possible.

Or you decided that you had to create affirmations and mantras to convince yourself and lie to yourself that it was possible even though you didn’t really believe it.

So what did that create for you? Lots of frustration and longing? Feelings of lack and wrongness?

What if you could turn that around a bit and ask what actually is possible and what other choices you have that would create more ease and joy in your life?


The consciousness of everything on planet earth wants you to succeed and wishes to gift to you. Will you receive it? Or will you refuse it?

What if everything you have created so far is not wrong and is not lacking, but was simply the best you had to offer at the moment?

What does it create in your life when you are pining over all of the places you’ve decided you can’t be, can’t do, can’t have, can’t generate? What if you turned that into: “What would I like to have as my life?” What might show up?

The generation of what you would really like to have and create is about being the energy, the space, and the consciousness that allows that to show up in your life. What could you create that would bring that which you desire into your life? You would have to have a willingness to actually have those things and to believe they are possible to have.

If you wish to have a thing, you must become vibrationally compatible with it (meaning that you are the same vibration that it is).

As long as you think you can’t have it, the molecules will create “not having it.”

You have to be willing to be the vibration of what creates and generates the things you desire to have in your life. You must make yourself vibrationally compatible with them. You ask a question like: What’s it going to take for me to be vibrationally compatible with X, Y, and Z?

Question is the source of creation, which creates choice. Choice creates possibilities.

Question creates what you are willing to allow to contribute to you. Once you start asking questions, everything can show up for you if you are willing to allow it. But you have to be willing to allow it to show up for you, or it can’t. It’s not that it won’t; it can’t, because you are not willing to allow yourself to be the vibration that would be compatible with it.


To bring the things you desire into your life, start asking the question: What’s it going to take for me to be vibrationally compatible with X, Y, and Z?

And then follow the energy of that. Allow the universe to lead you in the direction of that which you would like to create.

Believe in the possibilities.


If you would like to become a magnet for your dreams and desires, I invite you to join me in the Absolute Power of Gratitude.

If you would like to

  • See your relationships, even difficult ones, quickly improve
  • Be the powerful creator of your life rather than feeling like a victim to life’s circumstances
  • Discover the power of reframing so obstacles and challenges build you up rather than take you out
  • Create a Gratitude Habit
  • Become a magnet for your dreams and desires