Who Would You Be Without Your Problems

HAVE you ever thought about….Who would you be without your problems?

If the money, the kids, the house, the job, the spouse, the car, the family and so on were not a problem….WHO WOULD YOU BE?

What would you do? What would you talk about? How much more could you accomplish?

Does it boggle your mind?


Feeding Your Problems

How much of your day is spent on talking, sharing, complaining about your problems and the problems your friends, co-workers, family, and celebrities? A Little, A Lot or a More than you want to admit?

Are there certain places you go to talk about your problems and the problems of others? Coffee shops, bars, work, locker rooms, clubs, friends’ houses?  Is it your social activity?

When you are there, are you validating and buying into other people’s realities and reinforcing their problems? Do you hear yourself say any of the following to them?

  • Oh, I understand!
  • I get what you are saying!
  • Oh that sucks and you must feel so bad!
  • I can’t believe that happened / is happening to you!

Do you use your problems to give you a connection to other people? So you will have something that you have in common with them, something to talk about or even something to complain about?

In doing this you often retain and maintain that problem so you remain connected to those people and fit in.

And when you talk about your problems are you defending the rightness of your situation because of the problem? Do you hear yourself say any of these?

  • I can’t do or have that because I have this to deal with
  • I can’t do anything because I have to take care of this
  • This problem has to come first

All of those defend how right you and your problems and limitations are.

Are you letting your problems define who you are and what you can do? Are they defining your “purpose” in life?

Perhaps those problems are all the excuses that you maintain so you don’t have to create your life beyond what it currently is? Is that where you really want to be now? Maybe you are allowing your problems to distract you from truly creating something new and different in your life.

What if there was a different way?


Ask Questions

What if you could create your life rather than create problems and solutions?

What if you didn’t always have to have something or someone to fix, to work on or to rescue? It would be wonderful to be able to focus on fun rather than problems. Right?

When you start complaining about your problems, stop and ask yourself what is the benefit of doing that? What is that complaining creating for you; something good or something not so good?

Is there a way for you to connect to people without having problems, trauma and drama to complain about? What other topics could you discuss? What other activities could you participate in with them?


Create Your Life

Take a look at what you would like to start creating in and as your life.

Ask yourself a few questions about that life you’d like to have:

  • What if I just chose differently instead of creating a problem?
  • What problems have I created that I am now ready to let go of?
  • What am I now capable of creating that I have never created before?
  • What fun can I create today?
  • What can I add to my life that would contribute to my life and living right away?
  • What can I do, have, be, and receive that would generate possibilities for me rather than problems?
  • What possibilities am I capable of creating beyond my perceived problems right now?

And allow yourself the freedom to explore all of those. Allow yourself to break away from the pack and from the standard of living that requires problems and misery as a way of life!

It’s time to allow yourself to be happy!


Looking for more ways to discover your possibilities? Check out my eBook “Questions to Change Your Life“ to help you explore what choices you can have in your life.