It Isn’t A Competition

Thoughts on Thursday I recently saw this story of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. It really touched me. Such tenderness...

Get Bitter Or Get Better

“The butterfly does not look back at the caterpillar in shame, just as you should not look back at your...

Ways to Stop Blocking You

Persian poet and Sufi mystic Rumi said, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and...

Defined And Confined By This Reality

Are you trying to force yourself to be part of this reality! Did you just go “Huh?” Are you trying...

Being You Is Not A Crime

When I was 10 years old, my teacher told me that I needed to turn it down. She said I...

Stop Hiding You

Are you like me? Have you spent a lot of your life hiding and staying under the radar? When I...

Secrets to Getting Unstuck

You create patterns and systems in your life. Getting unstuck is all about letting go of those patterns. When you...

Contributing to Earth on Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Are you caring for the Earth? Are you allowing yourself to be the contribution that you are...

Heal the Earth on Earth Day

Today we celebrate Earth Day and I invite you to celebrate by sending healing and gratitude to Mother Earth. I...

You’re Not Wrong When Others Don’t Heal

When you work on or with other people and they don’t change or heal the way you would like them...

You Can’t Fix Other People

When you are helping or attempting to help others and they don’t change or get better or have the results...

Fear of Failure Makes You Play Small

My blog this week, “What If You Fly?” (, is about fearing failure. Do you classify yourself as a failure?...

What If You Fly?

What If You Fly? Do you stop yourself from DOING and BEING more in life for fear you will fail?...

The Power of AND

Many people seem to believe that being grateful for what you have is an end – that you can’t ask...

Stop Being the Most Unhappy

Are you making life a contest? Which type? To be most miserable or to be happiest? Probably the miserable one!...

Is Life A Competition?

Do you make everything in life a competition?? Is it a constant comparison to others? A constant judgment of others?...

Can You Live Outside The Box?

Are you willing to be “outside the box”? That means to be different, to think something different, to be something...

Are You Right or Wrong?


Do You Fit In?

Do you try to fit-in? Is it important to be like everyone else? I know I spent a lot of...

Fasting From Judgment

Can you do a fast from judgment? Yes, can you give it up? I went to a talk Sunday at...

7 Steps to Release Anger About Your Past

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” – attributed to Buddha and others....

Reboot Your Boundaries and Relationships

Reboot Your Boundaries and Relationships Date: Saturday, February 16, 2019 Time: 9 AM – 4:30 PM Location: Space Coast Convention...

Reboot Your Boundaries and Relationships

Reboot Your Boundaries and Relationships Date: Saturday, February 16, 2019 Time: 9 AM – 4:30 PM Location: Space Coast Convention...

What And Who Do You Have To Be

More from my series called 12 Days of Clearings for the Holidays. What shifts and changes have you noticed in...

Clearings for the Holidays

In 2019, I did a series called 12 Days of Clearings for the Holidays. Here are a few of those...

Give Yourself Permission

I wrote a blog a few years ago about giving yourself permission to be happy and grateful (“Write Yourself A...

Expecting Apologies

I have had some body issues lately and realized that I was holding onto things, expecting others to apologize to me,...


These are from the November Dive In With Dain on Bases: Bases (pronounced “base-ease”) is the plural form of basis....


I have been having a lot of frustration lately! So I have been doing these. All the frustration your body...

Taking Care of Me

I had written to you a few months ago about changing the scheduling of my blogs. I am going to...

Updated Clearing Statement

Straight from the 6 Day at El Lugar we have a new Clearing Statement. Here it is: Right and Wrong,...

Tension And Tightness

I have been having a lot of tension and tightness in my body! So I have been doing these. All...

Dominant Source Of Possibilities

People have the choice to be a dominant source of possibilities and a massive contribution. What energy, space, consciousness, choice,...