Stop Being What Others Demand

Do you have a lot of people in your life telling you who and what you must be and what...

Steps To Restore Your Balance

Wow do I need a vacation! Have you ever said that? Perhaps even after returning from a vacation? So often...

Can You See Clearly Now?

Do you feel cluttered, foggy or unclear on what you would like to have, be and do in your life?...

To The Moon And Beyond

This past week has been mostly about the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing for me. I had...

Is Stupidity Distracting You?

Are you ready to take up your light saber and lead the rebellion against stupidity? I know there are days...

Be The Change You Desire

“There are no countries with a moratorium on stupid.” My husband said that at dinner a few nights ago and...

Are You In Need Of Clarity?

Are you in search of clarity? What is your definition of clarity? What will it give you? What will it...

5 Steps To Overcoming Addiction to Busy-Ness

Are you addicted to busy-ness? What is busy-ness? It is basically the art of always being busy. Frequently is it...

Release the Past and Set Yourself Free

This week’s blog is about releasing anger and upset from the past and releasing the expectation that old promises MUST...