Thanks For The Experience

True forgiveness is when you can say, “Thank you for that experience.“ ― Oprah Winfrey Have you gotten to that...

Relationship Distractors

You have a lot of energy attached to your relationships of all kinds. In Access Consciosuness© there are things called...

Releasing Anger and Stress

Recently I read an Access Consciousness blog about stress (“Is This The Antidote To Harmful Stress?” I found the...

Is Stupidity Distracting You?

Are you ready to take up your light saber and lead the rebellion against stupidity? I know there are days...

Release the Past and Set Yourself Free

This week’s blog is about releasing anger and upset from the past and releasing the expectation that old promises MUST...

Inhale The Future Exhale The Past

Today I ate a Dove chocolate candy. Not a huge revelation there; however the saying in the wrapper was: “Inhale...

What Can You Contribute To The Earth?

Are you angry at everyone in the world? Angry about what is going on in the world? I know that...