Relationship Distractors

You have a lot of energy attached to your relationships of all kinds. In Access Consciosuness© there are things called...

Words of Wisdom

Do you have a life motto? Do you have words that you live by or that inspire you? Maybe, like...

Idealized Relationships

Happy Valentine’s Day. February 14 is Valentine’s Day. People focus a lot on the relationships that they have or think...

The Shoulds of Relationships

Do people tell you how you SHOULD feel and behave in the relationships in your life? Does what they suggest...

Remaining In Step With Reality

Last week I talked about Algorithmic Tonalities And Anomalies are where you have to be in tone with everyone else...

What Makes Forgiving Yourself Hard

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and realize that prisoner was you.” – Lewis B. Smedes. Do you...

Words of Wisdom from Dr. Dain

I am really loving my “Dive In With Dain” subscription that provides a clearing loop from Dr. Dain Heer each...

Be Normal?? Really??

A few years ago I wrote a blog about coming out of the “Consciousness Closet” and stepping into the abilities...

Perceiving Miracles

My blog this week is Perceiving The Miracles of Life and centers around allowing yourself to perceive, experience, and appreciate...

Perceiving The Miracles of Life

I love this Note from the UniverseSM above! It really touched me. Why? Because I get it. Those miracles of...