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What Does Earth Require Of Me?

I was watching the movie “IO” this weekend in which the Earth had become so polluted that people escaped to...

Fasting From Judgment

Can you do a fast from judgment? Yes, can you give it up? I went to a talk Sunday at...

Is Normal Unchangeable?

Do you believe that things are perfectly normal or “just the way life is” to the point that you believe...

7 Steps to Release Anger About Your Past

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” – attributed to Buddha and others....

Are You A Fixer?

Do you believe that you must fix everyone and everything? What do you believe you must fix? Does it require...

Whose Life Are You Living?

You are living life for you, right? Maybe, maybe not. Are you truly living the life you desire? Or are...

Guilt About Choosing For You

Do you feel guilty when you choose for you? Are you making yourself wrong and punishing yourself for taking time...

Give Yourself Permission

“Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be,” said Joy Page – actress in...

Making You A Priority

February is often all about relationships. And mostly people concentrate on whether they have a romantic relationship or not. However,...

Put Your Oxygen Mask On First

What are your intentions for this year? Here it is two months into the new year. Have you changed anything...