Fighting Happiness

Did you know that your natural instinct is happiness? When you aren’t being that, when you aren’t being happy, you are fighting against it.

What if your natural state of being is to be happy?

How much energy are you expending fighting against the happiness you could have?

Happiness heals … it heals people, it heals the Earth. What if happiness is what the Earth requires?

Are you willing to stop fighting the happiness you could be choosing?


Let’s Get Serious

Look at children. Their natural state is happiness! When you were a child you had so much fun with the smallest of things. The world amazed you; clouds amazed you, leaves amazed you; everything amazed you. Things are magical when you’re a child. When did you decide to get rid of that? When did you decide to go down the path of “let’s get seriousness”?

Once you buy into the idea that life has to be serious and you have to be serious, so much of the joy and amazement gets forced from your life and you sink into drudgery and seriousness. Now you are fighting against happiness in favor of seriousness.

When did you start fighting happiness? When did you start defending the seriousness that others told you that you had to have?

How old were you when you decided that you had to follow that “let’s get serious” path?


Restrictions On Happiness

What do you believe it takes to be happy? How many conditions and restrictions do you put on happiness?

Do you believe that you have to have something in particular before you can be happy? Do you believe you have to have:

  • The perfect relationship
  • The perfect job
  • A better education
  • A higher salary
  • A bigger house
  • Etc, etc, etc

Before you can be happy?

That keeps happiness always beyond your reach. There’s always another condition to be met, another item to be attained before you’ll allow happiness to show up.

That keeps happiness as external to you.

But it’s not.

As William Arthur Ward said, “Happiness is an inside job.”

It comes from within. It is something that you allow yourself. It is something that you choose for yourself. A gift you give yourself.

Maybe it’s time to allow yourself more joy and happiness!

It’s your choice!


Your Choice: Happy or Unhappy

Most people believe that they have no choice about being happy. You always have a choice.

Do you realize that you spend your whole life not choosing something that’s going to make your life better? You don’t choose what’s going to make you happy.

You can choose happiness.

Happiness generates money.

Happiness creates possibilities.

Happiness creates choice. Yes, when you choose happiness, it helps you be aware of so many more choices that are available to you.

Happiness creates question.

Happiness creates the contribution you can be and receive.

You have to choose happiness though.

You have to make happiness – YOUR happiness — a priority.

Are you willing to choose for you?



Would you like a deeper dive into the power of gratitude and happiness? Please join me for Gratitude For Life 21-Day Challenge. Click here for more information.

And you may enjoy my Gratitude For Life Journal to help you discover your joys in life. Click here for more information.