Lies Keep You Waiting

Continuing with clearings on lies and stopping the search for “why”, Dain Heer’s No More Lies, Tour of Consciousness goes...

You Have My Permission

Are you good at hiding you? I don’t mean playing hide-and-seek, I mean playing small, hiding what you can do,...

Choosing Unhappiness

Week of February 19, 2018 Have you seen Dain Heer’s Facebook live video, Never Look for Why … POC and...

Fighting Happiness

Did you know that your natural instinct is happiness? When you aren’t being that, when you aren’t being happy, you...

Hiding Behind Excuses

Are you creating barriers in your life so you can use them as excuses to NOT create? Sometimes we create...

Heaven Vs Hell – It’s All Perspective

When I was a child I watched an episode of Rod Serling’s Night Gallery called Hell’s Bells. It was about...

Be, Have, Acknowledge Gratitude

Do you have gratitude for what you have in life? Do you express it daily? Or do you focus on...

Gratitude – The New Water

Did you realize that gratitude is like water … it makes things grow. Yes, just like water, when you sprinkle...

Gratitude For Life 21-Day Challenge

Event begins February 21 Expressing Gratitude for all levels of your life, large or small, changes your outlook and your...