Stubbornly Refuse To Fit In

You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on...

Energetic Spring Cleaning For Yourself

This week a sent out a blog about “Energetic Spring Cleaning” that I had done a couple of years ago...

Allow Joy

Are you allowing yourself to have more ease and joy in your life? Do you believe that you deserve more...

How Deep Is The Mud?

How deep is the mud? Well, that depends. How deep does it have to be before it is a problem?...

Ask For It

Are you allowing yourself to ask for more? To ask for what you desire to have in your life? Do...

The Best Time To Plant A Tree

As my family and friends have been dealing with the loss of multiple family members and friends, I have been...

Changing The Violence

The situation in the Ukraine brings up a lot for me. It reminded me of the bombings in Paris in...

Lessons I Learned From My Mom’s Passing

Last time I shared that my mother passed away on February 21, 2022. Today I am sharing a few things...

Only Just Enough?

Do you ask for “just enough to get by” or “just enough to get through” because you believe that asking...

Love The Ones You’re With

Don’t let your “next times” turn into “never”. My mother passed away last week after being in hospice most of...