Caring For You
Here is more stress relief. Do you take care of yourself and your body? Do you actually AVOID taking care...
Here is more stress relief. Do you take care of yourself and your body? Do you actually AVOID taking care...
I have read various lists on ways to make this day count and decided to come up with my own...
Continuing on with more stress relief from last week. How much are you taking on for others and locking that...
Are you like me? Do you create tension in stress in your body as if you are in constant “fight...
I taught a Karuna Reiki® Master class over the weekend. It included within it a World Peace Meditation that was...
As I mentioned before, the fifth element of the Big Five is being the unsuccessful savior of mankind. How often...
I was talking to a friend about where I would like my business and practice to go. She said that...