What Keeps You From Changing

When you are looking at what you believe you MUST do, are you actually asking any questions about it? A...

Blessings From the Moon

This year, following the flight of the Artemis 1 mission to the moon and back, I would like to share...

Claim What You Would Like to Have

Sometimes I catch myself resisting things that I would actually like to have in my life. There are various reasons,...

Undecorating The Tree Cat Style

Years ago my calico cat Pegasus (pictured above) discovered a unique way to undecorate our Christmas tree. Pegasus was a...

Now is the Space

Are you ready to add more to your life? Are you ready to up your energy that you use in...

Small Steps

It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change. – Queen Elizabeth...

What Can You Let Go Of?

What are you doing that upsets you on a regular basis? I get it, there are things in life that...

A Little More Cheering

Several years ago I attended a conference and we made a picture, the picture above. I don’t recall how we...