Avoiding The Earth

I was listening to the Creative Edge of Consciousness (you can subscribe here) a few days ago and they were...

GPS Of Consciousness 2022

Oops, I admit that I have lost track of the day of the week. I worked all night Sunday night...

Making Judgments of Others Significant

How much significance have you given to other people’s beliefs and their judgments of you? Do you believe that they...

Be Present With Beauty

“The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green Earth in the present...

What Holds Back Your Fun?

Last week’s blog, Grateful For The Experience was about creating enjoyable experiences for yourself and for those you love. Let...

Every Day Is Self-Care Day

Even though Self-Care Month begins on June 24th and ends with Self-Care Day on July 24, self-care can be practiced...

All About POVADS

Have you heard about Emotional POVADS and Literal POVADS? Here is what Access has to say about them: Have you...

Grateful For The Experience

Today I randomly opened my book Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities and read this line:...

Are You Ready For Fun?

It’s summertime here in the United States! It’s winter in the southern hemisphere. Are you enjoying it? Are you allowing...