What Stories Are You Telling

Stories that you constantly tell often contain all of the excuses that you use to explain, justify and defend the...

How Cloudy Times Beautify Life

I love taking pictures of sunrises and sunsets. The colors, shapes and light are so amazingly beautiful to me. Once...

I Gotta Be Right

Are you constantly trying to prove that you are right? Or maybe you are constantly trying to prove that you...

The #1 Reason Forgiveness Is Hard

Do you have people and events in your life that were really difficult to forgive? Or maybe even ones you...

Does Perfectionism Prevent Happiness?

Are you forcing yourself to wait for perfection in your life before you allow yourself to be happy? Do you...

3 Steps To Unlocking Your Possibilities

As a little kid, were you really good at hiding? That can be a good skill to have; however, sometimes...

Everything Is A Gift

“Everything is a gift if you are willing to perceive it.” – Gary Douglas Do you believe that statement from...

Here’s Your Sign

Yesterday was my birthday. It’s OK if you didn’t get me a present! <<smile>> As I was considering what to...