Access Bars Class April 29

Are you ready to help yourself and others make REAL changes in their lives? The Bars® is an energetic body...

Reiki 1 Class, Sunday, April 15

Reiki 1 Class Date: April 15 Time: 9 AM – 5:30 PM Location: Specialized Medical 1375 N. Courtenay Parkway Merritt...

Hiding Behind Stories

Are you using stories as excuses for not creating and for not changing your life? Stories are OK for some...

Who Would You Be Without Your Story?

Are you a story-teller? Are you fond of weaving tales and enthralling people with them? What do your stories tell...

Women Conquer The World

March is Women’s History Month and March 8 was International Women’s Day. To celebrate, I am including quotes from Gary...

Creating Beyond Your Goals

Were you taught to set goals when you were younger? Did your parents, teachers, coaches, mentors tell you that setting...

Are You Avoiding Choosing

Are you avoiding making choices? Do you want to know what it will look like before you are willing to...

Lightsaber of Consciousness

I got a cool purple lightsaber for my birthday! Now, I know you are probably jealous, but that’s not the...

Connecting Through Problems

My blog this week concerns the problems you create in your lives that connect you to others and that keep...

Who Would You Be Without Your Problems

HAVE you ever thought about….Who would you be without your problems? If the money, the kids, the house, the job,...