I’m Fixin’ To Do It

I’m fixin’ to do it.

Have you heard that phrase? It means you plan to do something …. Someday …. Maybe not today and certainly not rapidly.

I may not have used those words, but I have done that. I’m planning to:

Make those calls

Create that class

Finish that project

Write that book

Etc, etc, etc

And sometimes I do it, but often I don’t.


Is It Time?

So what is that all about? What causes me to NOT do those things, especially the ones that I was so excited about yesterday?

Well, sometimes it is that it isn’t time to create something.

You have to ask it if it is time to create it.

Perhaps the timing is not right for it – the students won’t be there, the people who can help you create it or market it or use it aren’t there, the materials won’t be easy to obtain — whatever it is that would make it easy and successful just aren’t quite right for its creation. So putting it off would be in your best interest.

But you have to ask questions!

You’ve heard me say that before, but it’s true. You have to ask questions:

It now the time for this project?

Should I spend time on it today or this week?

What does it require?

And see what comes up. The project will know when the time is right.


What Do You Expect?

Another aspect of that is what are you expecting of the project?

Do you expect it will bring you incredible amounts of people, money, popularity, happiness, etc?

Is it capable of doing that?

What will it create in your life if you go ahead with it and what will it create if you don’t?

Perhaps you are judging it immediately as not being able to live up to your expectations? Are you then focusing on it failing before you even begin?

Expecting failure frequently creates failure. Are you projecting that failure into the future to create more failure?


What To Do

What if you could ask even more questions?

What are you projecting into the future about this project?

Are you planning for it to fail before you even start?

Are you playing with the people who can help me create this or are they people who are destroying it and you?

Will this project create what you would like to have in your life?

What are you not willing to be or do or have that is preventing you from creating what you desire?


Listen To It

And actually listen to what comes to you when you ask those questions. Really listen to the whispers of what to do and be next, what steps to take or not to take, who to interact with and who to avoid.

Follow those whispers.

Notice what starts showing up. Notice the new possibilities and choices that present themselves.

Follow the energy of what you desire; it will lead you to the choices to make.


Be open.

Be bold.

Forge ahead!

The universe would like to contribute to you, you just have to ask and listen!

Tally ho; let’s go!


Did you catch my webinar, “More Adventures With Are You Living A Myth”? We covered tips on busting those myths and breaking out into living a life that works for you! Here’s the replay for you to enjoy:  https://vimeo.com/248032497