Secrets to Getting Unstuck

You create patterns and systems in your life. Getting unstuck is all about letting go of those patterns. When you...

Special Water Blessing for Earth Week

Special Water Blessing for Earth Week

Special Water Blessing for Earth Week At the beach end of the boardwalk, Harbor Drive, Cape Canaveral

Contributing to Earth on Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Are you caring for the Earth? Are you allowing yourself to be the contribution that you are...

Heal the Earth on Earth Day

Today we celebrate Earth Day and I invite you to celebrate by sending healing and gratitude to Mother Earth. I...

You’re Not Wrong When Others Don’t Heal

When you work on or with other people and they don’t change or heal the way you would like them...

You Can’t Fix Other People

When you are helping or attempting to help others and they don’t change or get better or have the results...

Fear of Failure Makes You Play Small

My blog this week, “What If You Fly?” (, is about fearing failure. Do you classify yourself as a failure?...

What If You Fly?

What If You Fly? Do you stop yourself from DOING and BEING more in life for fear you will fail?...

Reboot Your Boundaries and Relationships — Online Series Part 3!

Online 4-part series It’s time for a reboot so you can stop living for everyone else and start creating a life that serves YOU, YOUR DESIRES AND YOUR NEEDS!

Reboot Your Boundaries and Relationships — Online Series Part 2!

Online 4-part series It’s time for a reboot so you can stop living for everyone else and start creating a life that serves YOU, YOUR DESIRES AND YOUR NEEDS!