Having Gratitude

Are you being grateful? For everything in your life? Having gratitude helps you to receive in your life. Shannon O’Hara...

Trees for Health

Science confirms it: spending time in green space makes us happier, healthier people. – Arbor Day Foundation I have been...

Stop Denying Fun

Are you denying yourself fun? Are you buying and believing lies about you rather than allowing yourself to have fun?...

You Need More Fun

I went to a luncheon last week and the topic was having fun. We went around the table suggesting ways...

Presuming Life Rather Than Creating It

Are you creating your life based on the Big Five? Are you always presuming that things will stay the same,...

How Is Your Forgiveness Going?

Last week I sent you my forgiveness meditation (listen here). Thank you for your kind words regarding the meditation. When...

Holding You Hostage

Are you holding yourself hostage by not allowing yourself to forgive you for your past? Are you blaming yourself and...

Release the Past and Forgive Yourself

Release the Past and Forgive Yourself

Last week my doctor gave me an affirmation: “I release the past and forgive myself.” So I sent out the...

DefendingYour Limitations

Are you defending your limitations? Any time that someone mentions a limitation that you have, do you go into defensive...

Diminishing You For Others

Are you trying to diminish yourself and have and be less so others can have more (more space, more attention,...