What Is Required Of Me?

Do you believe that you must have a purpose for being here? I know I used to believe that and...

Grateful For Another Day

Have you seen my Gratitude For Life Journal and cards? They help you to be grateful for all you have...

BEING What You Are

Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, said, “All lies are based on proving what you are not, when you already...

Is It Weird Enough For You?

A friend posted recently on Facebook “Is it weird enough for you?” And I thought, “Is it weird enough for...

Are You Living A Myth?

I did a call a few years ago titled “Are You Living A Myth?” It was about releasing the myths...

Bathing in Nature

I recently read an article on SpiritualityHealth.com called Forrest Bathing Now, I am not talking about running naked in the...

A Perfect Relationship

In the Purple Dawn Weekly Clearings Facebook group (click here to join) I have been doing a week of posting...

It’s OK To Do It The Easy Way!

It’s OK To Do It The Easy Way! WHAT?!? It’s true, it really is OK to do it the easy...

Putting Everyone Else First

Do you have a lot of people making demands on you? On your time? Are you allowing what they desire,...

He Said What?

Have you ever listened to a long for YEARS and then later discovered that the lyrics you thought it had...