Toss Away Could Haves Should Haves

Yesterday was TOSS AWAY THE “COULD HAVES” AND “SHOULD HAVES” DAY. What does that mean? It means: Don’t go through...

Are You Living A Myth?

A few years ago I did a talk titled “Are You Living A Myth“. And this week’s blog is “Are...

Are You Living a Fairytale?

A few years ago I saw this video called Dysenchanted about a group therapy session of fairytale characters and a...

Releasing Your Problems and Role As Fixer, Part 5

Concluding the series of clearings that I started to help you let go of your problems and of being “The...

Time To Let It Go

I shared this parable a few years ago and would like to expand upon it this time. Two monks were...

Releasing Your Problems and Role As Fixer, Part 4

I continue the series of clearings that I started to help you let go of your problems and of being...

May You Live In Interesting Times

“May You Live In Interesting Times” This phrase is often said to be a Chinese curse because the generally held...

Releasing Your Problems and Role As Fixer, Part 3

I am continuing the series of clearings that I started 2 weeks ago to help you let go of your...

Gratitude for Fathers and Supporters

This weekend was Father’s Day in the USA, honoring fathers. As I asked for Mother’s Day, I ask you to...

Releasing Your Problems and Role As Fixer, Part 2

The last few weeks in my blogs I have shared about being addicted to your problems (“Release Yourself From Jail”),...