Problem and Excuses

What are you creating as problems and issues that anchor you into those problems so you can’t leave? How much...

Energy Of The Autumnal Equinox

September 22 was the Autumnal Equinox, which is the point in the year the Sun illuminates the northern and southern...

Dive In With Dain

I love these clearings! They are from May’s Dive In With Dain monthly clearings that I get (check it out...

Questions To Ask Daily

I like this quote from Dutch Clergyman Henri Nouwen. It’s a great set of questions to ask yourself every day....

Solving Problems Rather Than Living

Do you believe that you need to define and pinpoint everything that is “wrong” with your life so you can...

Figuring It Out Or Being Stuck In It?

Do you believe that you must define and pinpoint everything that is “wrong” with your life so you can release...

Refusing Your Brilliance

My blog this week is about the Dr. Seuss quote, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”...

Why Fit In?

Dr. Seuss asks, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” It’s so true. How much energy do...

Avoiding The Earth

I was listening to the Creative Edge of Consciousness (you can subscribe here) a few days ago and they were...

GPS Of Consciousness 2022

Oops, I admit that I have lost track of the day of the week. I worked all night Sunday night...