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A Little More Cheering

Several years ago I attended a conference and we made a picture, the picture above. I don’t recall how we...

Care For Yourself

I apologize for not sending clearings last week. You see, I fell and was in the hospital for 7 days!...

Did You Miss Me?

Did you miss me? For those of you who didn’t notice, I didn’t send a blog last week because I...

Celebrate Life

Do you believe that you have to have a good reason for a celebration? Does it have to be a...

More Ways To Celebrate Life

Celebrate the varied splendor in this world, and remind yourself that it can also be found in you― Dr Salma...

Stop Buying Into All That

Have you bought into a lot of stuff from other people? Have you taken all that stuff on as if...

Fitting In the Box

Have you constructed your life so it is predictable and mediocre? Does it fit into an acceptably sized box? This...

Release Limitations: You Have A Choice

Imagine what your life would be like if you freed yourself from your perceived limitations!! Yes PERCEIVED!! You made them...

Play It Safe Be Normal

Are you avoiding being the amazing being that you truly are, just so you can fit in and be normal?...

Being One With Nature

Are you willing to be open to the Earth and all of her magic and wonder? What if you allowed...