Living Predictable Sameness

Are you trying to hide your capacities and abilities from the world? Are you trying to fit in and “be...

Are You Battling Life

Do you view life as a constant battle, struggle, or fight? My blog this week (You And Me Against The...

You And Me Against The World

I was driving home in congested traffic a few days ago and caught myself saying to my car, “Well, honey,...

Stay Weird

Are you hiding your abilities and capacities so you can fit in? Is it better to hide them and not...

I First Took Reiki 30 Years Ago

It’s amazing to me that I took my first Reiki class 30 years ago! I had just gotten a divorce...

Do You Have A Drop Dead Date

Have you already chosen your drop-dead date or age? Is that really all of the time that you have? How much...