Courage To Create

Possibility Principle #1 is The Courage To Create (in my book Launchpad 2020 the Art and [Rocket] Science of Breakthroughs and Possibilities).
What does that mean?
It means you don’t have to live everyone else’s version of your life, you can create a life you’d love to live. You can have The Courage to Create the life you’d love to live!
You can begin by asking yourself some questions.
Are you living someone else’s life and dreams?
For instance, did your parents or guardians, friends, family, teachers, etc want you to:
- Pick a certain profession
- Go to a certain school
- Play a particular sport or activity
- Marry a specific type of person – race, profession, financial status, etc
- Have children at a certain age
- Have a certain number of children
- Follow in someone’s footsteps
- Take over the “family business”
- And on and on and on
If you are like most people, you probably have experienced that. You are not alone. Most people have had others tell them what to do and how to live their lives.
You probably believed that many of those people must know what is best for you and that you should be doing what they said because you respected them or believed that they had your best interest at heart. So most likely you did what they said to try to please them.
Often doing that may have left you feeling unhappy and unfulfilled, like you could never measure up to what they said your life should be.
There’s a reason for that: because that isn’t YOUR life, it’s their version of your life, not your version.
As you ponder what others have said you should do, ask yourself what you would like to do. Start letting go of the things that don’t work for you, the things that are not in-line with what you would like for your life.
Sometimes it is easy to let go and other times it can be more difficult.
How many of those people who were telling you what to do did you admire and respect? Just because they were good people and did have your best interest at heart doesn’t mean that what they told you is actually what will work for you. That doesn’t make them bad, it simply means that their suggestion isn’t right for you.
Look at it as if they were suggesting options for lunch and you didn’t want any of them. You can simply thank them for the suggestion, either out loud or in your head, and choose something else.
It’s OK to choose for you
Life is all about choices.
Choices open doors.
Choices move you forward or backward.
What will you choose?
For a guided journey through The Possibility Principles, get my book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities. It is an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it. As you journey through the Possibilities.
The Kindle and paperback versions are available on Amazon via this button
[…] blog this week is the Courage to Create. It’s about creating the life you’d love to live and letting go of creating the life everyone […]