Normal Is Highly Overrated

Were you always encouraged or even TOLD to fit in, be like the others, be NORMAL? Have you spent a...

Who Teaches Us To Be Normal?

“Who teaches us to be normal when we’re one of a kind?” – Syd Barratt on Legion. Who does teach...

Are You Validating Other’s Realities?

Have you made other people’s realities more real and more important than your own? How is that impacting the creation...

The ONE Reason Forgiving Yourself Is Hard

Do you have people and events in your life that were really difficult to forgive? Or maybe even ones you...

Gecko Who Came To Breakfast

Thoughts on Thursday A funny story with wildlife this week! The gecko who wanted to share my breakfast! Hello everyone....

Creating A Different Future

This week’s blog is about being anchored in the past and blaming your past for everything (Are You Anchored In...

Are You Anchored In The Past?

“The butterfly does not look back at the caterpillar in shame, just as you should not look back at your...

Frequency Of Conscious Contribution

Last week the clearings I sent out were about what we can contribute to creating change in the current social...

Keep Moving Forward

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same...

What Can I Contribute To Change?

I started out with the intent of posting about the blog that I wrote this morning. However I realized as...