INside Or OUTside the Box?

Which is more valuable, thinking INside the box or OUTside the box?
They each have their place and advantage. And they each have their proponents and opponents.
I have read that you have to think inside the box in order to get outside the box.
Christopher Peterson Ph.D. said in Psychology Today “If you never venture outside the box, you will probably not be creative. But if you never get inside the box, you will certainly be stupid.” His point being that you should understand what is inside the box first in order to master the basics of things.
I see his point. And I also see that often people stay inside the box because it is safe there. Things inside the box are accepted and rarely challenged.
It is “the devil you know” and think you can deal with.
That’s OK. You can spend as much time as you wish inside the box.
But is that where you truly want to be?
So you want to stay in the same old same old? Or would you like to move into something new and different?
You have choice.
You can choose either one and then you can choose again! You can jump back and forth as you wish. That’s the fantastic thing about it. You can keep choosing!!
You don’t have to judge either place or either choice as right or wrong. It is merely where you are now and you can choose something different later, maybe even a few seconds later. How cool is that?
How do you choose something different?
Ask more questions. Ask things like:
- What choices do I have here that I have not considered?
- Does this actually work for me?
- What is possible here that I may be considering impossible?
- What can I change here?
- Do I truly desire to change anything here?
- What am I overlooking that could change this situation?
- What do I know that I am pretending not to know or denying or ignoring that I know that would change this?
Once you’ve asked the question, then LISTEN for the Universe to tell you other possibilities that exist beyond what you have always chosen in the past. Be open to the infinite possibilities the Universe offers you in every second of your existence!
Jump out of or into the box.
It all starts with your choice.
What will you choose?
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