It Isn’t Rocket Science … Or Is It?

As a little girl, there were two things I wanted to be. I either wanted to be the first woman on the moon, or I wanted to heal people with my hands like I saw them do in sci-fi movies.

I haven’t walked on the moon yet, however, I did work on the space shuttle, which was a phenomenal experience for me. AND now I heal people with my hands through energy healing and massage!

While I was recovering from the end of my first marriage, I started exploring that being able to heal people with my hands. That’s when I started taking the energy work classes. For a while I was doing kind of both, but the rocket scientist thing took up most of my time. When the space shuttle program ended, rather than stay on for what is the follow-on program, I decided it was time to really get out there and do the thing that I was here to do, which is to do this energy work with people and assist them to find out that there’s so much more to being here on the planet than what they ever thought was possible for them. That’s kind of where I went.

Yes, I did spend a little time meditating on the beach and trying to decide what this was really going to look like, what I was going to be when I grew up, which I’m not sure I’m ever really going to bother to grow up. Definitely what the next chapter in my life would be like. That’s when I came across the Access Consciousness stuff for really helping me move beyond what I thought I could be and do. It’s just been a phenomenal journey just in these last few years, because I left the space shuttle program in 2011 and then I started doing the Access Consciousness stuff about six months after that.

What happened when I started out, I wanted to do Reiki and reflexology, because I had taken a lot of classes in those things over the years. I needed to have a license to touch people here in the state of Florida in order to do that. I thought, “Well, I’m not going to be a massage therapist.” Then I went to massage therapy school. That didn’t come out exactly the way I thought. When I was in massage therapy school, one of the guys in my class, his wife was a chiropractor and she took an Access Consciousness class. He took it with her. Just as soon as he started telling me about it, I realized that I had to get some of that. It just kind of yelled at me across the room. Then I started taking the classes.

A lot of the things that people consider to be disabilities in this reality are your superpowers. They’re the things that make you in tune with so many other people that everybody else just doesn’t get. That’s kind of, when we look at the superpowers that everybody has, exploring those and embracing those, even though other people think it’s weird, that’s what is really … It’s not really necessarily strictly Access, but it is definitely embraced within Access, so that you realize that even those things that people tell you are problems for you may just be your awareness of everybody else. Once you realize that and you can let go of their stuff, then you can really get to the things that are yours, and yours to use and explore.

It’s showing you how in tune you are with all of reality and everybody else, and how you can kind of tune into them and what’s going on with them so that you can assist them. That’s kind of what I do when I’m working with people. I tune into what’s in their head, for lack of a better way to say that, so that I can start following that energy that they’re using in their lives and I can start following where that leads them as they start talking about something. Then I can say, “Wait. There’s something.” It’s like a little red flag goes up. “Oh, this is where I’ve created a limitation that’s holding me back.”

Yes. It helps to reveal it and to allow you to allow you. Often we don’t allow ourselves to explore that because we’re so … people emphasize so much for us to fit in. Once you realize that maybe you don’t need to fit in because if you try to fit in you’re trying to tone down who and what you really are. When I was in school, several of my teachers kept telling me that I needed to tone myself down because I was too much for the other kids and they would never like me. That was a big emphasis for some of them, was for me to fit in. I often wonder had I not tried so hard to fit in, how much more could I have expanded how much sooner?

Then again, I’m where I’m meant to be right now.

NOTE: This is part of the transcript of an interview Tonya Dawn Recla of Super Power Experts did of me. Listen to the interview here

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