Lightsaber of Consciousness

I got a cool purple lightsaber for my birthday!
Now, I know you are probably jealous, but that’s not the point. The point is that as I was wielding it around once I got it home, I was thinking how great it would be to have one that I could use to cut through all of the crap that I would like to trim from my life.
Then I realized that I DO have a form of lightsaber, I have the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement®!
You may say, “The Clearing what?”
The Access Consciousness Clearing Statement®.
In Access Consciousness® we say it is like a magic wand because it allows you to bring up the energy of something that is keeping you stuck and to clear and change it.
However, being the Sci-Fi person that I am, I choose for it to be the Lightsaber of Consciousness that I can use to slice through limitations and get to the change!!
Change is what it’s all about! Once you change the energy of something it shows up differently in your life. In fact, it changes not only that part of your life that you have desired to change and also ripples out into other parts of your life. It starts an amazing cascade effect!
The Access Clearing Statement® is Access® short speak for the different energies we are asking to clear. You can view an explanation of the parts of the clearing statement® here (
The clearing statement is Access® short speak for the different energies you are asking to clear. It is:
Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds®
Logical Mind
Fortunately, you do not have to understand the Clearing Statement® for it to work. It is designed to bypass your thinking logical mind and go directly to you, the being. It is you the being who can create the totally different possibilities.
It will give you more awareness and more ability to function from consciousness, and the best part is that you don’t have to understand the words or know what is creating the limitation. You don’t have to FIGURE IT OUT!
Let’s face it if your logical mind could solve the things that are not working in your life, wouldn’t it have done so already?
How It Works
It works like this:
- Bring up as much of the energy of limitation and judgment as possible about the item you would like to clear
- Use the Clearing Statement® to blast it out of existence and clear as much as possible at one time
- And it changes
Logical Mind Again
If this doesn’t make logical sense to your mind, be grateful. Your mind is a calculating system that is only here to define what you already know and to define the limitations of your reality. Your logical mind justifies everything you do and does nothing to create the infinite possibilities. We would like to wipe out your mind and give you a clean slate — to break the limitations of that reality so you can create a whole new world.
Once you wipe out your mind as the regulating system of your life, you get to function from knowing. Your mind gets in the way of knowing. When you allow yourself to know something, it’s instantaneous — it does NOT require figuring it out.
If your mind truly worked for creating the changes you have been asking for, you would have been out of all these messes already.
When you use the Lightsaber of Consciousness, you will notice that you are different, that your energy is different, that your life is different. That’s because you are changing the energy that you are using to create your life!
Congratulations, you are clearing out the piles of stuff that aren’t working in your life, the heaps of stuff that are creating your limitations and blocks, and finally allowing yourself to be more of the true you!
OK, I just can’t resist saying it!!
And May the Force Be With You!
Looking for more ways to start being the true you?
Check out my Weekly Clearing Statements to help you explore what possibilities you actually have in your life.