Ask For The Money

Have you ever said anything like, “I wish I had all THAT money back!”? Let’s ask that a little differently,...

Meditate Your Stress Away

Is your idea of meditation sitting on the top of a mountain with a guru for hours? OK, maybe it’s...

What Questions Have You Not Asked

Do you ask questions? Do you ask for what you would like to have? Chances are, you don’t or you...

Let Some Of Your Paths Be Dirt

“Of All The Paths You Take, Make Sure A Few Of Them Are Dirt” – John Muir These are ​trying...

Modeling the Future On the Past

Are you using the past to create your future? Is the past your model for creating the future so your...

Gratitude It’s What’s For Thanksgiving

In the United States, we will celebrate Thanksgiving this week. Thanksgiving is typically a time for gathering of loved ones...

Buying Into Lies About Your Body

I was doing body processes on a client recently and these clearings popped into my head. They were pretty powerful...

Life Is Bigger Than Just One Dream

A few years ago I went to a conference. One of the speakers (I didn’t write down her name) said:...

Must You Really Continue To Do This?

In previous weeks I had spoken of having oaths, vows, fealties, comealties, and so forth to doing something. Recently someone...

Five Ways To Make Each Day Count

Do you make each day of your life count? Or do you just try to get the day over with?...