Choosing Joy and Happiness

I got this clearing from Dain Heer’s Reset 2 (You can still get both parts on his website). It’s great...

Your Purpose

This was in my Facebook feed last week. It is from the “Kind and Gentle Souls Around the World” group....

Avoiding Choosing

Are you choosing what you truly desire to have in your life? What is preventing that? What are you resisting...

Don’t Cling To A Mistake Just Because

“Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.” – Aubrey De Graf You...

Updating My Webpage

I was updating my webpage yesterday and discovered that it was entirely reformatted! So, if you can’t find something, email...

Creating The Future You Desire

What are you buying into and buying from this reality that keeps you from creating the future you truly desire...


You’ve probably heard of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). You may even have heard of JOMO – the Joy Of...

Uninviting Money

I came across these today and wanted to share. What have you made so vital about possessing the money you’ve...

Clearing Energy Of Others  

In this week’s blog (read here) I presented one of the energetic cleaning tools that I use called the Cosmic...

Cosmic Vacuum Cleaner

In March of 2021, I did a program called Purple Launch Party: Energetic Spring Cleaning Edition. I covered ways to...