Undecorating The Tree Cat Style

Years ago my calico cat Pegasus (pictured above) discovered a unique way to undecorate our Christmas tree. Pegasus was a...

Now is the Space

Are you ready to add more to your life? Are you ready to up your energy that you use in...

Small Steps

It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change. – Queen Elizabeth...

What Can You Let Go Of?

What are you doing that upsets you on a regular basis? I get it, there are things in life that...

A Little More Cheering

Several years ago I attended a conference and we made a picture, the picture above. I don’t recall how we...

Care For Yourself

I apologize for not sending clearings last week. You see, I fell and was in the hospital for 7 days!...

Did You Miss Me?

Did you miss me? For those of you who didn’t notice, I didn’t send a blog last week because I...

Celebrate Life

Do you believe that you have to have a good reason for a celebration? Does it have to be a...

More Ways To Celebrate Life

Celebrate the varied splendor in this world, and remind yourself that it can also be found in you― Dr Salma...

Holy Fire Reiki 1 Class

Holy Fire Reiki 1 Class

Experience and learn this simple safe and gentle way of hands-on healing, relaxation and well-being for you and loved ones....