Turning Down Your Brilliance

My blog this week is about being told to be less than or different from who you truly are. Yes,...

Avoiding Judgment

Are you afraid of being judged? Do you avoid certain actions so you will not be judged? Do you continue...

Orders From Your Past

This week I have been talking to people about creating a future based on the projections of the past. Yes,...

Orders of Obesity

Two Years Ago I did the Obesity Clinic calls that Gary Douglas and Dain Heer did. They were filled with...

Fantasies and Lies About Holidays

The day after Thanksgiving, I did a call “Relax, Release and Rejuvenate In 3 Easy Steps” about releasing the overwhelm,...

Defining You For The Holidays

In the United States, this Thursday is Thanksgiving. It can be a great time to enjoy with friends and family,...

What Must Never Change?

What part of your life have you defined as being perfect so you don’t want to change it? LIMITATION!!! Yes,...

Stop Dragging Your Past Along

Are you creating your future from your past? Do you project all the problems, limitations and judgements from your past...

Masks Are For Halloween Stop Hiding Your Abilities

In 2015 I did a call titled “Masks are for Halloween … Stop Hiding Your Abilities!” It was about the...

The Stories That You Tell

What stories do you tell yourself and others? What are you justifying and excusing with those stories? Sometimes your story...