Are You Living a Fairytale?

A few years ago I saw this video called Dysenchanted about a group therapy session of fairytale characters and a non-fairytale woman who ended up in the group.
Now at first, she believes she doesn’t belong there until the characters start asking her questions about her life and she realizes that her problems are indeed often the ones experienced by the characters.
Perhaps your “problems” are the ones of fairytales too like step-parent difficulties, sibling issues, money, relationships, and others.
Many people have the same issues just with a different cast of characters.
So, before you reject the guidance that others suggest, ask yourself if your problems are really that different than theirs. Probably they are quite similar.
The same goes for when you consider what is going on with someone, look at what they are dealing with. It may be something that you have experienced before and you could grant them a little slack or offer some support.
The moral of the story is …. You just might be a fairytale princess (or prince) after all.
[…] A few years ago I did a talk titled “Are You Living A Myth“. And this week’s blog is “Are You Living a Fairytale?” […]