How Deep Is The Mud?

How deep is the mud?

Well, that depends.

How deep does it have to be before it is a problem?

That also varies.

In the picture above with the dogs, the small dog may have had much more difficulty with the mud than the larger dog. The small dog may have struggled more, taken longer, and perhaps been more fearful than the larger dog.

People deal with difficulties (the mud) differently and may take longer to get through it.

It doesn’t make you wrong if you take longer or struggle more, it’s just the way you are getting through it.

It might be helpful to ask for help in getting through what is going on for you. Perhaps you need more support, better techniques, more of a team. That’s OK too. Be willing to consider those possibilities if the mud is getting too deep or too thick or too difficult in some other means. Being open to more options and possibilities can be very useful and can get you moving again.

So, when you are looking at your stuff, your “mud”, what are you ready and able to take on, and what and/or who do you need to be and do to get through, over, under, around, and passed it? And who do you need to add to your support team to get moving?

Only you know!



For more guidance in creating the life you’d love to live, check out my eBook:

Blastoff Into Possibilities

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