Love The Ones You’re With

Don’t let your “next times” turn into “never”.

My mother passed away last week after being in hospice most of the month.

While I was sitting with her, I kept telling her how much I love and appreciate her.  Now I have also been telling both of my parents that ever since their health began to fail a few years ago.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I ask that you tell your loved ones how much you appreciate them now, don’t wait until the end, do it now. Even the difficult relationships, have gratitude for the things that you do like about it — you never know, it could create more things that you like.

My mother would often say things like, “we’ll get it next time” or “we’ll do it next time” and now there will be no next time with her. So, as I said at the beginning of this blog, don’t let your next times turn in to never, do things NOW!

A tweet by @justmadhu reads: “Everything we say at funerals should be said at birthday parties instead. We leave so much love unspoken.” He is quite right. Say those things, share those memories, express that love and appreciation!

Express your love, speak it.

As they say, tomorrow is not promised, so love the ones you are with!

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