11-11 Is Coming

November 11th will soon be here.

And I am going to have a Purple Launch Party on that day.

Yes, 11-11 from 5 to 7.

We will be celebrating the Gateway that 11-11 opens and what you would like to step into. 11-11 is an awakening for you when it comes to your wishes, dreams, goals, and love. 

The number 11 is the most intuitive number and is a clear channel to the subconscious. It is the number of leadership, personal power and spiritual truths. And the vibration of the number 11 gets doubled on Nov. 11. In numerology, the number one indicates new beginnings, and when there is a series of ones, like on November 11 (11/11) it creates a powerful energy for the day that allows us to all awaken to a new potential.

Also 11-11-2021 is a 9 (add the digits) which in numerology represents completion. Nine is the last of the single-digit numbers (which are known as cardinal numbers in numerology) and the highest in value. That said, it symbolically represents a culmination of wisdom and experience, and buzzes with the energy of both endings and new beginnings.

And we will be celebrating my birthday which is actually November 3rd, however my birth number is 11 which is a power number and I love to celebrate it on 11-11.

In honor of my birthday we will explore YOUR gifts that you have.  The ones you know and enjoy, as well as the ones you may not think about or know about in addition to the ones you hide, ignore and avoid.

It will be fun and free and I would love to have you join me! Register at

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