
Today is Independence Day in the USA.

Are you looking to be independent?

Are you striving to do everything on your own?

As admirable as that may be, I just want to say, it’s OK to ask for help.

Really it is.

If you need some help with whatever it may be – business, personal relationships, accounting, whatever — get it.

My grandmother told me that I needed to be able to do everything on my own because you can’t count on other people to be there for you.

And I believed her for a long time, refusing to ask for help unless I was desperate.

That led to a number of setbacks for me.

Had I asked for help in some areas of my life, I probably would have made progress much quicker, but I had to do it all on my own to prove I could do it!!

When I finally realized that Grandma’s warning came from a place of having lost her husband very early and been left alone to raise a 2-year-old child, I realized that perhaps I could ask for help since I was in completely different circumstances.

So please, reach out when you need to.

You don’t have to do this all alone.


For more guidance in creating the life you’d love to live, check out my eBook: Blastoff Into Possibilities

Or, for the full guided journey through the Possibility Principles, get my book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities. Itis an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it. As you journey through the year of Possibilities, it will assist you to get in touch with what you truly desire in your life and then to create a roadmap for getting there.​

The Kindle and paperback versions are available on Amazon via the button below:

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