Be Compatible With Your Desires

Are you compatible with your dreams and desires? Are you inviting them to come play with you? Or are you...

One Act of Encouragement

Zig Ziglar wrote, “You never know when one kind act, or one word of encouragement, can change a life forever.”...

Stop Carrying That Unfinished Stuff Around

Do you ever wonder how much stuff you are carrying around from your past (and even past lives) because you...

Gratitude for Creation on the Summer Solstice

Today we celebrate the Summer Solstice and recognize it as the time when the sun is at its northernmost point...

Time To Let It Go

I am still in my cleaning frenzy, clearing and cleaning out the stuff we have accumulated from inheriting things and...

Let That Stuff Go

I have spent the few two weeks looking at all of the stuff I have amassed from inheriting from friends...

Stop Hanging On

I am in a cleaning frenzy lately, clearing and cleaning out the stuff we have accumulated from inheriting things and...