From Greatest Darkness To Brightest Light

“Our brightest light can only shine once we accept and forgive our greatest darkness.”

I found that in one of my journals. It was from a meditation that I did in February of 2010. I don’t recall the context (what our meditation group was discussing that night); however, I thought I would share some more of my journaling with you.


When you are stuck in a particular place it is because you are afraid to be the amazing person that you are capable of being – the amazing, shining light that you truly are.

The gold that we seek is hidden within the dark.

If you never face your darkness, you can never embrace your light.

Our brightest light can only shine once we accept and forgive our greatest darkness.

As we move through your shadows, we learn to reclaim our light. As we show our light, we give others permission to shine their own light.

I possess every brilliant quality that I see and admire in others.

When I view the good things in my life, in my childhood and see that others didn’t have it as good as I did, I realize that I gifted it to myself this lifetime. I don’t have to apologize for it or feel guilty about it or for anything that I have that others do not have.

I give myself permission to let go of that. I deserve it.

I am living a Divine Plan!


So let me ask you, what do you believe is your darkness? Is it really as horrible as you think it is? Does it need to be shunned and hidden, or is it simply something that you don’t want to confront or face?

Is it something that it is time for which to forgive yourself?

I get it; sometimes you don’t realize that you have not forgiven yourself for it. Sometimes you may even believe you don’t deserve to forgive yourself.

Remember, the saying from author Susan Cheever (with variations from others too) Being resentful is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”

The same is true of anger, guilt, blame, shame and other emotions that cause you to hang onto situations and feelings rather than forgiving yourself and moving forward.

So what darkness you can release and for which can now you forgive yourself?

As I said earlier “Our brightest light can only shine once we accept and forgive our greatest darkness.”

What light within you are you ready to embrace and let shine?

Ten years ago when I wrote that journal I wasn’t sure what all that was about. And yet I knew there was something I was meant to do and that I wasn’t doing it working at the Space Center on the space shuttle project.

I knew there were things within me that were ready to be forgiven and released so my light could expand.

Now I know that I have work to do to help other people discover that would make them happier and how they can get more of that to show up. That is my light and I continue to let it shine and expand.

Are you ready to explore and expand your light?

Now is the time my friend.


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