Living Life For You

Jackson Kiddard said, “If you knew you had a choice about what kind of life you could be living, would you choose different?”
Are you living the life you’d like to live? Or are you living the life other people told you that you SHOULD live?
Do you spend more time trying to fit in, trying to do what everyone else tells you is the proper thing, the right thing, the acceptable thing?
Are you allowing yourself to function from finiteness, from limitation, from mediocrity?
Do you realize that in doing so you are actually choosing to have little choice and limited possibilities?
You are allowing yourself to live life through the filter of limitations that you have created. It keeps you functioning from the trauma and drama, the upset, and intrigue of this reality rather than choosing what you would like to have.
Functioning from preconceived points of view about your limitations and what is and is not possible in life, rigidly defines how the world works for you. It prevents you from being aware of anything that doesn’t match that limited point of view and that judgment.
You are using those limitations and judgments to build a little box and cram your life into it. Then you can’t see other possibilities because the sides of the box block your vision!!
Each thought, idea, attitude, decision, or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy, limiting your capacity to change things in life. It fortifies the sides of that box.
What if you start changing your energy, start changing the energy of your life? Change the energy and you change how that part of your life works — you start chipping away at the box.
When you change that energy, you begin to change every limitation, difficulty, and aspect of your life that does not work for you so something different can show up in your life with ease.
Clearing these limitations opens up a whole range of possibilities for you and life gets much easier.
Like magic, it’s no longer about what you do, it’s about changing the energy of how you function in life that allows change to appear with great ease.
How do you do that? You start asking yourself questions about what you truly desire to have in your life. You start asking what else is possible for you. Make a list.
What is it that you would like your life to be? What would you like to have? What would you like to do? Who would you like to have in your life? What other choices and possibilities exist that you hadn’t considered before?
What if you can live a life of infinite possibilities?
What if you could start choosing for you?
Start asking Questions!
Join me on the powerful date 11-11-2020
For the Purple Launch Party Birthday Edition
There is a Universe of possibilities just WAITING for you!
The Purple Launch Party Birthday Edition (celebrating my birthday) will be November 11 from 5 PM to 7 PM
(click here for your local time)
It’s time to discover, explore, and attain what you desire for your life!
Are you ready to create more happiness, joy, and possibilities in your life?
Let the possibilities begin!
Register here