Footprints On The World

As I was walking on the beach this morning, I noticed the footprints people made in the sand.
Some were barely noticeable.
Others left delicate prints that were shallow but noticeable.
Some people picked up trash so the path was cleaner than they found it.
Others left deep craters.
Still others left crushed and broken shells in their wake.
I pondered that it was kind of the way people go through life.
Sometimes they step gently and try to avoid being noticed.
Other times they leave a mark and do no harm.
Still others tromp around making as much noise and trying as hard as possible to get attention.
And finally there are the ones who leave scorched Earth and massive damage in their wake.
What footprints do you wish to leave upon the world?
Do you want to sneak through hoping no one notices you?
Do you want to swashbuckle around putting on a show?
Do you want to create mayhem and destruction as you go?
Do you want to leave the world better than you found it?
Personally I prefer the latter. I would like to leave the world better than I found it.
I desire to help and assist others to create a more conscious world that cares about the planet and all the life that dwells upon it.
That’s one of the reasons I have the Wednesday Water Blessings and have my Purple Dawn Weekly Healing Group. I want to help the planet and to help others.
What’s your desire for your footprints?
As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
What change do you wish to see?
Join me in the Purple Dawn Healing Group on Tuesdays.
And on Wednesdays, join me at the water in the Wednesday Water Healings