Creating Your Authentic Life

I am currently doing a Facebook Live series on creating an authentic life. It’s on my Purple Dawn Group page....

GPS Of Consciousness

(By Dawn C. Meyer, in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, August 2018) “Come on just pick ONE!’’ Have you ever...

Questions Are The Answer

This week’s blog is about questions. “Ask Yourself Questions” or, as I like to say, “Questions are the answer.” Are...

Ask Yourself Questions

“Your preparation for the real world is not in the answers you’ve learned, but in the questions you’ve learned how...

The World On Your Shoulders

Do you have neck or shoulder pain? What if it’s not just from sleeping on a bad pillow? What if...

What Can You Pack Into Your Dash?

There’s a poem by Linda Ellis titled “The Dash Poem” ( that tells of a man speaking at the funeral...

May The Fourth Be With You To Choose

Happy Star Wars Day! May the fourth be with you! Do you believe that having what you desire is pure...

Footprints On The World

As I was walking on the beach this morning, I noticed the footprints people made in the sand. Some were...