Secrets to Escaping the Insanity of Sameness

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
This quote, attributed to Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain, and Rita Mae Brown, is quite frankly the way some people go about living their lives.
They say that they want to change their lives; they want to be happier, they want to have better relationships, more fun, and more, and yet they take no steps to change anything. They just keep doing the same things over and over again and wonder why nothing changes.
Guess what, if you change nothing, nothing changes!
If you always take the same route to work or school every day, the scenery remains the same! You have to take a different route to see something new!
The same is true in life, you must take a different route, choose a new path, do something new and different if you want your life to change!
So, how do you do that?
OH, wait, I know!!! Ask questions!!! Yes, start asking questions like, “What one thing could I choose today that would take me toward what I would like my life to be?”
And start doing different things!
Walk an extra block, talk to someone new, stop talking to someone who upsets you, wear new clothes, get a new hairstyle, watch a new movie or TV show, stop watching shows that don’t make you think, take a class, read a book, listen to a PODCast!
The choices are endless.
Keep asking God/Source/Universe what change you can choose today that would shift your life toward the future you would like to create. Ask what would contribute to you and your life and living.
Then be willing to make changes!
Yes, the resistance may come up. “Oh, that would be nice, but I can’t do that.” Or “It’s too hard!”
Or you continue on the path of insanity, keeping everything the same. Wallow in your misery. Stew in your mediocrity.
That will ensure that you can continue complaining that nothing changes, but is that all that you truly desire?
If it is, then fine, you’ve got it! You’re done!
But if you truly desire something different, then choose something different.
Do something different!
BE something different!
It’s all up to you!
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